Golden Yaupon: America's Lost Super Tea

Golden Yaupon: America's Lost Super Tea

Yaupon: America’s Lost Super Tea

At our wellness company, we embarked on a quest to find a daily ritual that would bring holistic benefits to a diverse range of people. What we unearthed was a well-kept secret – a species of Holly native to America that has been cherished long before the western historical records of our nation. A close relative of this plant thrives in the lush rainforests of South America, and it's known worldwide as Yerba Mate, meaning "gourd herb," a nod to its unique preparation.

Meet Yaupon, the native American treasure used by indigenous peoples for a multitude of purposes, including traditional medicine, sacred ceremonies, and even friendship rituals. It went by various names such as the Beloved Tree, Big Medicine, ASI, The Purifier, and the Black Drink.

Yaupon was not only cherished but also cultivated and traded, with Native American tribes journeying great distances to consume and exchange it. Vessels dating back to ancient times have been discovered containing traces of Yaupon, even as far south as Mexico, where it was exchanged with the Mayans for Cacao. Together, Yaupon and Cacao were enjoyed as a sacred ceremonial drink, both sharing theobromine.

This plant was an integral part of Native American life in the Southern United States, serving various purposes, from calming nerves to regulating menstrual cycles. It could induce sleep and vivid dreams when smoked by medicine men, heal skin ailments, ward off bacteria due to its antibacterial properties, and even create a fermented tea. Most notably, it played a vital role in The Black Drink Ceremony, a practice that involved fasting, drinking, chanting, and purging, aiming to purify the body, mind, and soul.

The early European settlers recognized the value of Yaupon, attributing the native population's exceptional health and longevity to its consumption. Back then, Europeans had an average lifespan of just 45 years, while Native Americans were thriving well into their seventies.

Early settlers engaged in trade with the indigenous population for Yaupon, shipping it back to Europe under different names such as Carolina Tea, South Seas Tea, Cassina, Indian Chocolate, and even Liberty Tea, which was sent to Boston as a replacement for imported tea following the Boston Tea Party.

The Science

To delve deeper into the "why" behind these results, let's explore the science. Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) derives its natural sweetness from glycosides, particularly D-camphor, which imparts a sweet taste to the leaves when brewed as tea. This innate sweetness makes it a perfect choice for those who prefer beverages without added sugar or sweeteners.

Here are some scientifically-backed facts about Yaupon:

Pain Management: Like traditional tea, Yaupon contains antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, providing relief to the body. These antioxidants work to counteract the damaging effects of free radicals in the body.

Mental Clarity and Energy: Yaupon is the only naturally caffeinated plant in North America. It offers a sense of mental clarity and focus without the jitteriness or crashes often associated with high-caffeine beverages, thanks to Theobromine and other compounds that regulate caffeine release gradually.

Anti-Diabetic: Yaupon tea contains polyphenols, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. They can also improve insulin sensitivity and reduce resistance, which is especially important for individuals with diabetes. By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, antioxidants can help maintain blood sugar control.

Sustainability: Yaupon is a native plant that thrives in the southeastern United States and can be cultivated sustainably. Choosing Yaupon aligns with the values of environmentally-conscious consumers who wish to support local and eco-friendly products.


In a nutshell, we believe that our first green (or golden) tea offering had to be one with a rich history, deeply rooted in the often-overlooked American traditions. We aim to support American farmers and businesses and promote products native to our land. The Yaupon we provide is grown naturally, with no need for pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, making it the most authentic version available while minimizing our environmental impact.

Join us on this journey of discovery and wellness, as we reintroduce you to the untapped potential of Yaupon tea, a hidden gem from our own backyard. It's a remarkable beverage with centuries of history and a wealth of benefits waiting to be explored.


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